Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Enjoy Being a Mom.. er... ah.. I mean a girl..

I mentioned something to my toddler the other day about Mommy being a girl. He looked me square in the eye and said plain as day "No! You're Mommy!" Well, he has that about right. As I have mentioned in a previous blog, now that I'm an at home mommy, I kind of stay in mommy mode at all times (IE: not much energy left for "extracurricular activities" with hubby at the end of the day). This point was reiterated today-I was folding laundry while the little guy was napping. I like listening to and "old" standards music station (Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald, Dinah Washington, etc..)-while listening, on came the tune "I Enjoy Being a Girl". I listened to the lyrics and had to chuckle to myself-I like doing a lot of the things mentioned in the song (fixing my hair, wearing fancy dresses), they just are not a priority at the time.

No wonder I'm not feeling very romantic these days-boogers as an accessory are not that attractive. So, I had an epiphany... If I'm not feeling like a "dream girl" or pinup (like I was ever one of those to begin with-ha!), I'll "fake it until I make it". Now get your heads up out of the gutter and the jaws off the ground people. All I did was write a simple letter to my husband. See, I had the time (napping toddler) to sit and think of some passionate things to say-so I put them down on paper. I figured that if I can write a passionate love letter to hubby, and place it in a place that I know he won't come across until nearly bedtime (right in front of his toothpaste in the medicine cabinet)-he'll read it and perhaps know that I mean business.

The interesting factor to this is that my husband is basically a robot, so this almost feels like a science experiment (and I'm the mad scientist, right?). I have no idea how he will react to this. I mean this is the man that responded once to my (failed) attempt to be sexy like on TV by mentioning that I didn't have any "drawers" on (no I didn't call them that, but I'm trying to not creep you guys out too much!) by FREAKING out. "Great!" he said, "now I gotta worry about your dress flying up all night and people seeing." Bear in mind that we were on the way to his class reunion, so I can understand, but I was disappointed, to say the least. It wasn't the way I imagined the evening to begin.. By the way, the dress did NOT fly up-I knew it wouldn't.

So, how will the robot react to the bait? And how will the mad scientist react to the robots reaction? Will batman live to fight another day? Tune in same bat time, same bat channel.. Or should I say same GIRL channel??


  1. Creatively humorous post - you sure make me laugh! Needed it today - it's raining out, you know!

  2. I am going to try to erase this post from my memory. :)

  3. You are funny! Good luck with your letter...
