Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Can't keep a good gal down!

Man, this is one of those weeks that I'm GLAD there is church for Ash Wednesday tonight-I really need it! It started yesterday when I stopped by my (old) office to visit some of my friends. They seemed to be very busy and missing me so much. I figured it was time to put a feeler call out to my boss and see if she had any idea when I might be able to go back.

It took me a couple of hours to work up the nerve to make the call. (I think I already knew what I would hear and wanted to put it off for as long as possible). At first she said that she really can't tell me much at all. Things really haven't changed. Though they are busy, they think it is a very temporary rush that will pass. She then said that in order for them to call people back, especially part-time employees, it would take an immediate major upswing in the economy. She then said that if I need to work-I should probably start looking elsewhere.

Oh... Excuse me for a moment as I watch the last 7.5 years go out the window. All of my friends. One very special one that just gets me-gone. I know-I'm not dead and my life DEFINITELY was not only my work-I was part time for goodness sake! But I still gave a lot of myself to the company and now it's pretty much over with not even a card or flowers or even an acknowledgement from the big guys?

I think it's just the fear of the unknown that's really getting to me. My husband reassures me that we will be fine. And I have loved being home with my kids. I'm just afraid that I will HAVE to find a new job-to start over. My husband once again is looking at this as an opportunity. He's always an optimist. I usually am, too. That's the bummer about this situation. Some of the pessimists I know were proven right, which makes it hard for us blind optimists! I'm hangin' on, though!

I honestly wish that President Obama would start some sort of subsidy program for stay-at-home moms. Aren't we doing the best we can for our families? It's not like we need a lot. It would just be nice to still be able to take family vacations, go out to eat once in while, little things like that. But once again-we will be fine. We may need to make a few more adjustments, but there are a lot of other people out there that need our prayers. As my hubby's dear grandfather always used to say: "If you pray, why worry? If you worry, why pray?"


  1. That was a 'big gulp' for you to make that call, brave woman that you are - and you already had an idea of what the response would be. Bummer - sorry to hear that news. Know you are in good company - many folks have been suffering through the same type of news. I know, I know - doesn't make the 'boo boo' all better, but hang on, better days are comin!

  2. I like the family subsidy idea! Canada does something like that I think. Maybe we should all move across the border!
    You're in a difficult position, but you sound like you'll pull through with something positive to get out of it!
