Monday, February 16, 2009

Count your blessings.

What an exciting President's day we have in my household! Right now we have the little neighbor girls over that my kids love playing with. They are into my little guys Hot Wheels and Thomas trains, setting up tracks all over the place. I just love hearing the busy bustle and giggles that are floating up the stairs to reach my ears!

What I'm most excited about today is that we get to share our blessings with others. I taught Junior Church yesterday, and our lesson was about how Jesus shows his love for us. I had each of the kids talk about how they are blessed (home, family, food-these kids are pretty smart-none of them said their Wii's (not that that isn't a blessing, too!)). Then we spoke about how we need to show our love to others. The kids said that we can help other people, donate to charity, and help in the church. Like I said, they're pretty smart kids! Well, you can imagine my delight when I looked at the calendar this morning and realized that today is the day that I signed up (months ago) to prepare a green vegetable for the local homeless shelter.

When I signed up to help out, I didn't realize it was a holiday-what are the odds that I'd be able to have my seven year old home from school to help with this honorable task? I'm so excited to be able to carry our church lesson over into our everyday life so quickly. We've already taken the walk up to the grocery store for green beans and French's onions (Green bean casserole seems the best choice of my recipes for green vegetables). Plus we picked up the neighbors to walk with us. So we've had fun with our friends, gotten some exercise, fresh air and we're feeling good about ourselves! What better way to remember OUR blessings (freedom, home, food on our table) than by sharing them. Yes, it's a very good President's day, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful story, and truly a great life lesson for the children! Keeping those little minds focused on what's important in life is a full-time job in itself! Bless you in your mission with them!
