Friday, May 1, 2009

Mother May I???

Happy May Day everyone! This first day of May, 2009 has brought about in me... Sheer exhaustion!! I have been a busy bee the past couple of weeks doing one or two spring cleaning items a day-which pretty much has taken up my "golden hour" of little guys naptime. Add to that the fact that we've been outside playing most of the afternoon/evening, (Plus I was up a little late with some girlfriends last night) I'm just beat!

This week I got to have lunch with one of my closest friends-a coworker from my old office. As she was venting (like we always would do) about stress, schedules, etc... I realized "Hey, I don't miss this at all!" Not that I don't miss her, and the other friends I made at my office, but the stress is not missed at all. The next day I stopped into the branch that my old boss works in to drop off a copy of my Autism Now letter (see Why I walk for Autism Now post)-it was kind of uncomfortable. She saw that I was carrying a folder, and I wonder if she thought I was going to beg for my old job.... It could just be me and my mindset, though. Oh well, not really a concern. It was nice getting to see old friends, but I'm doing just fine with my new "subordinates" (haha!)

And to confirm my realization about my new job, we gave out May baskets today! This is a huge deal considering that for the past 8 years, I have managed to get May baskets made, but it was always at the end of a stressful last day of the month (something quite significant in real estate in our area). This meant that though my kids may have enjoyed making and delivering the baskets-I was just going through the motions, just trying to get it done so that I could have "my time". This year I didn't even realize that it was the "end of the month" until April 30th. Not that I didn't know and prepare for May Day, just that the last day of the month means nothing to me now-it was just a Thursday.

It's kind of freeing to be able to just think about the family. We thoroughly enjoyed May day-and I'm one tired Momma!


  1. I'm glad you're enjoying being home. I think the trade off of time vs money is worth it.

  2. I truly envy how you have came in to your own and if you can be up for review at your job you have now (mom and wife)you would score oh so high and deserve a big fat raise, which definitely includes hugs and kisses!
