I have officially joined the "Let's get February over with already" fan club. In our house we don't usually say we "hate" or "don't like" something. (For example the nutritious, sometimes slightly complex meals I "slave over"). In our house we say "It's not my favorite." if the meal or activity is something we don't care for. It's just a little thing that my husband started a couple of years ago to help take sting out of the occasional objections I get to the meals I prepare. With that in mind, I'd like to submit the following statement.
February is definitely NOT MY FAVORITE month. No offense February, but you kind of stink. Over the past 4 years it has always been the "sickest" month in our house. Since the beginning of February this year, we have had colds, stomach flu, a different strain of the stomach flu a week later and more colds.
I was so glad to start this week. I knew our luck was turning-March was on her way with multiple family birthdays, warmer weather (hopefully) and the beginning of spring-I could almost taste the fresh air....
And then my little guy started to get a runny nose (again). No biggie, we just took it easy for a couple of days-I can handle colds standing on my head. After a couple of days rest, we were ready to venture out into the wide world. We met my sister for coffee yesterday morning, and even made it to the mall to scout some presents for the upcoming birthdays. That's when I got the phone call.. "This is your daughter's school, could you please call us about her eye?" I'm thinking to myself.. "What eye?-her eyes were fine this morning."
Well, as I got to the school office and got my first glimpse of my gal I saw that her eye was definitely NOT FINE now. Her left eye looked like it had been out for an all night bender and back. It very much stood out next to her normal looking right eye. The nurse informed me that pinkeye was going around and kiddo needed to come home until I talked to the doctor and got her some drops. So that was our day yesterday. I climbed into bed last night thinking-well at least we're at the end of the month.
That's about when my little guy came down with his fever. 101 degrees isn't very high, but it sure feels like it when your the momma holding the kid in your arms all night. He was uncomfortable, I was uncomfortable, Daddy was uncomfortable. I think even "PINKY" came to join the fun at one point and mentioned something about her tummy hurting (the only time I've ever wondered if I could run straight through the wall like they do in the cartoons).
Thankfully, as the ashes settled this morning, a sort of clarity (and possibly sanity?) settled upon us. My girls eyes were looking like a normal persons and was able to go to school (the tummy ache had been heartburn-Tums took care of that). A quick visit to the doctor let us know that my little guy just had a mild infection in both ears. A not-so-quick (ugh!) visit to the drugstore got us the medicine he needed. And there you go-we're all on the road to recovery! I'm not even going to say how glad I am there are only two days left to this month. No offense, but Valentines Day just doesn't cut it in bringing up my opinion of this month-maybe when we're a little older and a little less (ahem) sickly... Of course, my husband is probably right when he says "If we didn't have February, then you wouldn't like March."