Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Give me a Vegemite sandwhich or make that 4!

I'm not even completely sure what all is in Vegemite, but it sounds like it would have lots of vitamins in it. I'm willing to try anything right now to keep my family healthy. My kids still have their perpetual sniffles and occasional cough. Then my hubby and I had to "kick it up a notch" yesterday by coming down with food poisoning!

I've about had it with all this illness in my household. It has become a point of contention between hubby and I as we disagree how to handle the kids getting sick all of the time. I think that it's been enough to merit a call to the Dr. for at least a blood test to check blood cell/platelet counts and/or allergy tests. I think the least we can do is to explain to the doc how often the kids are getting sick and see if HE thinks it's something to worry about testing for right now. Hubby just thinks that the kids have bad luck with getting sick. And especially since money is tight-he doesn't want to spend way too much money on unnecessary tests. We actually got in a nice argument about this a couple of weeks ago, and I think we have agreed to disagree.

I was willing to let the topic lie low for a little bit, until my sister and mother both brought up the subject of my little sickos, and asked if I was going to talk to a doctor about it. Well, that about pushed me over the edge. I spent an hour and a half the next morning (that I could have been sleeping since hubby wasn't working) surfing Mayo clinic to look up symptoms. It doesn't look likely that they would have radon poisoning, or Carbon dioxide since those are definitely more severe symptoms-so I relaxed a little. It IS possible that they have an allergy to dust mites, or some form of anemia, or hay fever.

So, for the next month I am doing one of the things hubby suggested-keeping a daily log of my children's health (guess what-for the past week they have had runny noses and coughs). When my big girl has her "well child" checkup next month I will have at least a months worth of symptoms to show the doctor and he can help us decide if we need further testing or not. The good news is that my kids don't let their colds stop them-they just keep going as if nothing's wrong. They're probably so used to snotty noses that it doesn't bother them anymore. Don't be surprised in a month when I have more info to post about sick kids and their road to recovery.


  1. I would worry if I were in your shoes too. It's hard having sick kids. I think the symptom log is a good idea, as well as talking to your dr. during well child visit. Hopefully it's just allergies, or something easily fixed.

  2. Mold spores? I have a friend who is allergic to mold - their house was pretty damp. They got a whole house dehumidifier - not sure if it is something that hooks up to the furnace or what, but it runs continually, no emptying of any container of any sort, and their house is now mold-free. She would have coughing, sneezing, and plugged sinuses constantly before getting that system. It was pretty pricey, but just a regular store bought dehumidifier wouldn't do the trick. Everything started in the basement, unfortunately, and spread thru the whole house!

  3. Tanks for the suggestion about the mold, I will definitely bring that one up to both hubby and the doc and see what they think. Not looking forward to the possibility of an expensive humidifier, but it would be SO worth it to have healthy children!
