Monday, March 9, 2009

I know why they called the lady in the shoe old.

We were fortunate enough to have my husband's brother and his family come visit us this weekend. Since my brother & sister-in-law had a wedding shower to help host we even were able to babysit their kids. Their oldest is a beautiful blonde curly haired three year old girl who fears nothing (I called her fearless and her mom called her reckless). The baby is a toddling little guy(blonde again-they look nothing like my kids) that will be one in less than a week. He is definitely more attached to his mom right now as she is a stay-at-home mom also.

It was so fun to see our kids "mingle". I did feel bad for my daughter a few times as she is four years older than the oldest "little one", and did state a couple of times how playing with little kids wouldn't be how she would have chosen to spend her afternoon. The only other real problem we had was with MY son. The little stinker took full advantage of finally having someone smaller than him in the house. Every time he was upset or frustrated, he took it out on his little cousin-pushing and a couple of times hitting the poor unsuspecting tot. Let me tell you, that is NOT acceptable behavior in my house, and my little guy made contact with the naughty step several times that day.

In the long run, everyone survived. The in-laws returned to some (hopefully) happy, well nourished and (definitely) tuckered-out kids. It was so adorable to find the three oldest conked out in my bed "watching" the kid movie we put on for them! I have learned from this experience that, while I know we could handle having more children (and love watching any nieces or nephews we can get our hands on!), I don't want to be outnumbered. I love having my two kids. They are almost five years apart, which is both fun and a challenge at times. (It's almost like starting over when they're that far apart).

Now that my little guy is getting closer to three, there was a point when I thought for half a second that another baby might be fun (yeah, fun-that's the word). That thought didn't really stick, let's just say it's not our plan to have a larger family. It was a challenge Saturday to even get everyone's lunch made (and cleaned up) when we had four kids here. And that was with both my hubby and I present, if it wasn't the weekend, I would have been on my own. God bless the mothers of many-they must have better organizational skills than top ranking CEO's.

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